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Please find brief statistics concerning the digital map of the country and its major cities.

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All the maps are supplied with the Standard or Premium set of layers

Name of mapping layer Standard Premium
Regions: Countries, Districts, Cities, Buildings, BUA, Vegetation, Hydrography, and etc.
Polylines: Road Network, Hydrography, Railroad ways
Points: City Center, Address, Railroad stations, Road Network Nodes
Geographical Names, Administrative Divisions, , Infrastructure objects
All signs and navigational maneuvers for road network, POI, Business Listing
Type, Class, Speed, Pavement of Road, Transport, Lane Connections, Entry Points
Relief & Building's Height, 3D Models of Buildings & Facilities

We will supply map data in any format you choose according to the requirements of your project.

Source formats we keep and process the maps in are ArcGis, MapInfo, MapPolish (mp).

Short country statistics
DataSet Coverage, sq km Routing Length, km Routing Nodes Routing Segments Routing Labeled Segments Routing Restrictions Buildings Buildings Heights Addresses POI
Georgia 69540 73970 245243 305190 89850 21125 994000 0 129106 39400

Live screenshots from our Dataset

Short statistics for most important cities with detailed coverage
Name English Name Local Addresses Buildings Streets Routing Length, km Area, sq km
Tbilisi Tbilisi 31604 73487 3152 3952 502
Kutaisi Kutaisi 8845 21476 694 497 79
Zugdidi Zugdidi 8275 12024 461 217 22
Batumi Batumi 5252 8680 176 226 17
Samt'redia Samt'redia 4996 8592 191 187 44
Poti Poti 4909 8429 172 184 59
Senak'i Senak'i 4531 7936 171 136 32
Khashuri Khashuri 3911 7077 239 153 11
Zest'aponi Zest'aponi 3141 4862 150 102 10
Gori Gori 2952 6732 148 143 18
Akhaltsikhe Akhaltsikhe 2327 3213 101 105 13
Bolnisi Bolnisi 2205 3416 102 86 50
Ozurgeti Ozurgeti 2143 4953 102 123 22
Sagarejo Sagarejo 1804 3682 108 179 129
Akhalkalaki Akhalkalaki 1724 2760 40 80 13
Khoni Khoni 1679 4771 64 114 30
K'asp'i K'asp'i 1669 3771 89 105 62
Dedoplists'qaro Dedoplists'qaro 1570 4285 68 92 8
Lagodekhi Lagodekhi 1550 3261 49 69 13
Lanchkhuti Lanchkhuti 1537 3488 49 74 36
Akhmet'a Akhmet'a 1494 3264 94 134 31
Qvareli Qvareli 1462 3311 121 102 61
Telavi Telavi 1406 5808 165 150 12
Kobuleti Kobuleti 1358 3849 61 83 15
Dusheti Dusheti 1276 2054 51 84 13
Tetrits'qaro Tetrits'qaro 1267 2179 65 82 50
Rustavi Rustavi 1258 5616 165 383 58
Sachkhere Sachkhere 1256 1722 61 24 3
Ch'iatura Ch'iatura 1212 2267 75 50 7
Ninots'minda Ninots'minda 1208 2815 65 40 4
Borjomi Borjomi 1133 1933 72 73 7
Ts'alk'a Ts'alk'a 1124 2655 48 82 73
Terjola Terjola 1070 1722 68 77 18
T'qibuli T'qibuli 1062 2197 71 56 8
Gurjaani Gurjaani 1054 2723 69 153 14
Kareli Kareli 1050 1988 56 47 16
Ts'alenjikha Ts'alenjikha 987 3099 77 143 44
Abasha Abasha 967 2914 61 65 21
Ts'nori Ts'nori 913 2176 83 39 3
Tianeti Tianeti 850 1338 63 48 3
Dmanisi Dmanisi 848 1621 58 51 20
Marneuli Marneuli 843 4863 69 161 28
Khobi Khobi 828 1953 30 56 10
Gardabani Gardabani 670 2520 44 69 64
Oni Oni 582 1291 52 29 3
Baghdati Baghdati 569 1433 31 31 13
Vani Vani 550 1655 29 52 17
Chokhat'auri Chokhat'auri 537 899 27 26 4
Chkhorots'qu Chkhorots'qu 504 1689 39 45 5
Mart'vili Mart'vili 501 2685 43 97 27
Sighnaghi Sighnaghi 443 894 28 34 4
Mtskheta Mtskheta 400 1751 42 130 42
Ambrolauri Ambrolauri 382 718 20 20 3
Mest'ia Mest'ia 255 500 34 29 2
Tsageri Tsageri 228 642 14 15 2
Asp'indza Asp'indza 218 899 32 63 29
Kharagauli Kharagauli 211 735 17 16 2
Adigeni Adigeni 139 362 11 19 2
Ts'qalt'ubo Ts'qalt'ubo 102 2019 70 108 11
Bodbiskhevis Bodbiskhevis 74 1420 3 45 4
Khulo Khulo 68 153 11 5 0
Shuakhevi Shuakhevi 52 88 5 6 1
Keda Keda 45 141 7 13 1
Tskhinvali Tskhinvali 19 4214 40 138 9
Bak'uriani Bak'uriani 7 1199 14 38 4
St'epants'minda St'epants'minda 0 282 16 13 1
Vale Vale 0 911 16 26 2
Jvari Jvari 0 963 8 24 3
Lent'ekhi Lent'ekhi 0 301 6 7 1
Bolnisi Bolnisi 0 663 1 16 1
Kvemo Bolnisi Kvemo Bolnisi 0 1364 1 19 2
K'venak'eli K'venak'eli 0 277 0 7 1
Jughaani Jughaani 0 903 0 25 2
T'ibaanis T'ibaanis 0 800 0 22 1
Яendidi Яendidi 0 0 0 7 1
Khunk'uda Khunk'uda 0 0 0 2 0
Sakobo Sakobo 0 662 0 20 1

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